OTRS (Open-source Ticket Request System) es un software Help Desk de Código Abierto y de Gestión de Servicios de TI escrito en Perl y licenciado bajo AGPL.
-Instalar paquetes necesarios:
root@k8:/home/leninmhs#aptitude install libapache2-mod-perl2 libdbd-pg-perl libtimedate-perl libnet-dns-perl libnet-ldap-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libpdf-api2-perl libsoap-lite-perl libgd-text-perl libtext-csv-xs-perl libjson-xs-perl libgd-graph-perl libapache-dbi-perl libyaml-libyaml-perl postgres apache2
Descargar OTRS: http://www.otrs.com/try/
root@k8:/home/leninmhs# tar xf otrs-3.3.9.tar.gz
root@k8:/home/leninmhs# mv otrs-3.3.9 /opt/otrs
root@k8:/home/leninmhs# cd /opt/
-Se configuran los usuarios:
root@k8:/opt# useradd -r -d /opt/otrs/ -c ‘OTRS user’ otrs
root@k8:/opt# usermod -G nogroup otrs
-Chequeamos que tenengamos todos los módulos Perl necesarios:
root@k8:/opt# cd/otrs/bin
root@k8:/opt/otrs/bin# ./otrs.CheckModules.pl
o Archive::Tar…………………ok (v1.90)
o Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt…….Not installed! (optional – For strong password hashing.)
o Crypt::SSLeay………………..ok (v0.58)
o Date::Format…………………ok (v2.24)
o DBI…………………………ok (v1.630)
o DBD::mysql…………………..ok (v4.025)
o DBD::ODBC……………………Not installed! (optional – Required to connect to a MS-SQL database.)
o DBD::Oracle………………….Not installed! (optional – Required to connect to a Oracle database.)
o DBD::Pg……………………..ok (v2.19.3)
o Encode::HanExtra……………..Not installed! (optional – Required to handle mails with several Chinese character sets.)
o GD………………………….ok (v2.46)
o GD::Text…………………..ok (v0.86)
o GD::Graph………………….ok (v1.44)
o IO::Socket::SSL………………ok (v1.962)
o JSON::XS…………………….ok (v2.34)
o List::Util::XS……………….ok (v1.27)
o LWP::UserAgent……………….ok (v6.05)
o Mail::IMAPClient……………..Not installed! (optional – Required for IMAP TLS connections.)
o IO::Socket::SSL…………….ok (v1.962)
o ModPerl::Util………………..ok (v2.000008)
o Net::DNS…………………….ok (v0.68)
o Net::LDAP……………………ok (v0.57)
o PDF::API2……………………ok (v2.020)
o Compress::Zlib……………..ok (v2.060)
o Text::CSV_XS…………………ok (v1.01)
o Time::HiRes………………….ok (v1.9725)
o XML::Parser………………….ok (v2.41)
o YAML::XS…………………….ok (v0.41)
root@k8:/opt/otrs/bin# cd ../../
root@k8:/opt# cp otrs/Kernel/Config.pm.dist otrs/Kernel/Config.pm
root@k8:/opt# cp otrs/Kernel/Config/GenericAgent.pm.dist otrs/Kernel/Config/GenericAgent.pm
root@k8:/opt/otrs/bin# cd otrs/
root@k8:/opt/otrs# vi Kernel/Config.pm
Colocar los valores correctos:
# The database host
$Self->{DatabaseHost} = ‘‘;
# The database name
$Self->{Database} = ‘otrs‘;
# The database user
$Self->{DatabaseUser} = ‘postgres‘;
# The password of database user. You also can use bin/otrs.CryptPassword.pl
# for crypted passwords
$Self->{DatabasePw} = ‘postgres-clave‘;
– Comentar:
#$Self->{DatabaseDSN} = «DBI:mysql:database=$Self->{Database};host=$Self->{DatabaseHost};»;
– Descomentar y colocar los valores correctos:
$Self->{DatabaseDSN} = «DBI:Pg:dbname=$Self->{Database};host=$Self->{DatabaseHost};»;
— Guardar Cambios–
root@k8:/opt/otrs# vi scripts/apache2-perl-startup.pl
— Descomentar en: # enable this if you use postgresql
use DBD::Pg ();
use Kernel::System::DB::postgresql;
root@k8:/opt/otrs# bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl –otrs-user=otrs –otrs-group=otrs –web-user=www-data –web-group=www-data /opt/otrs
— Configuración de PostgreSQL
root@k8:/home/leninmhs# su postgres
postgres@k8:/home/leninmhs$ createdb otrs
postgres@k8:/home/leninmhs$ psql -U postgres -W -f /opt/otrs/scripts/database/otrs-schema.postgresql.sql otrs
postgres@k8:/home/leninmhs$ psql -U postgres -W -f /opt/otrs/scripts/database/otrs-initial_insert.postgresql.sql otrs
postgres@k8:/home/leninmhs$ psql -U postgres -W -f /opt/otrs/scripts/database/otrs-schema-post.postgresql.sql otrs
— Configuración del apache
root@k8:/opt/otrs# ln -s /opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/otrs.conf
root@k8:/opt/otrs# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
A este punto su instalación estará completa. Intente acceder:
Usuario: root@localhost
Clave: root
Referencia: http://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/3.3/en/html/manual-installation-of-otrs.html
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